Girls, Girls, Girls...

April 29, 2008

Kirk is taking his friend, Victoria, out to dinner tonight because she is leaving the country for a few months. I know it shouldn't piss me off, but I really don't like her. She's flirty, touchy, and when I met her a few months ago she ignored me and just talked to Kirk. She would hang on him and tell me "You can't get jealous, we're friends" . Bitch, don't hang on him and then tell me not to get jealous, you're obviously doing something that would spark jealousy or you wouldn't say that. Just because you and Kirk used to be friends (which their friendship isn't that tight or he would hang out with her on a regular basis), doesn't give you the right to tell me what to do or how to act. If I'm jealous, I'm jealous. What really made me mad is that Kirk didn't invite me to go out to dinner with them, so it's just going to be the two of them. If she tries anything, anything at all, my next blog may be from prison because I will kill a bitch.

His ex, Emily (yea, weird, I know), has been calling/texting him the past few days. She probably doesn't know about me or that we are now living together, but it pisses me off that Kirk entertains this. She called Saturday when we were out of town and left a message saying that she was in Moore and wanted to drop by and say "Hi". Aw, too bad we were having an awesome time somewhere and you were stuck in Moore. Last night she texted him saying "Kirk I need to talk to you. I'm putting the baby to bed, so call me later or I'll call you tomorrow...I miss u." You miss him? Don't try to "reminisce about the good old times" with my boyfriend. He doesn't love you, he loves me. You screwed everything up by being a cheating hoe-bag, so get over it already!

I'm sick of this jealous bullshit! I know he's not doing anything suspicious, if he was he wouldn't be dumb enough to tell me about all this stuff, he would try to hide it. Women can be scandalous hoes, believe me I know plenty of them. Bitches need to learn to respect other peoples relationships, and themselves. How pathetic are you that you're after someone that is in a committed relationship? Blows my mind. When I was single I always had a hands off policy when it comes to men that were in relationships, maybe it's just that I have morals, class, and a better upbringing. Whatever the case, bitches be warned, mess with the bull you get the horns (up the butt!) If he meets up with his ex (who obviously wants him back, I'm not a total idiot) I will move my crap out so fast his head will spin. Am I being crazy? Maybe a little. But he is not single anymore, why can't he tell these girls to back off? Maybe when he was he could get away with taking his SINGLE female friends out to dinner. I don't like him taking attractive females out to dinner without me, it makes me paranoid. I don't like ex girlfriends calling him either, that makes me double paranoid. So, here's a little advice for the sneaky bitches of the world…

If he wanted you he would call you, not the other way around. You don't hold a candle to me. I have bigger boobs and am obviously more compatable with Kirk than you, or you would be in my position. I'm loving, caring, and would bend over backwards for that man. Move along, you're out of your element.

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