Stupid Boyfriend Rant, Part Two

February 18, 2009

Last night I had one of the most vivid, scary, and downright disturbing dreams that I have ever had, it breaks the top 3 for sure. I woke up at 4am in a complete panic-sweaty, shaking, and rocking back and forth.

On a side note: Kirk is a night owl, and when I retreat to the bedroom at 10:30-11, he stays up all night does God knows what. We’ve been living together for about a year now, and I’ve grown accustomed to it. He usually trickles in to bed around 4 or 5 am, or sometimes just passes out on the couch. It bugged me at first, but now I like sleeping alone, I’m a light sleeper anyways so it actually works out pretty well.

I look over and Kirk isn’t in bed yet, so I go in the living room to get him to comfort me. Guess who isn’t there? Yep, he was nowhere to be found. Confused (and freaked out at 4 am mind you) I put on a jacket (did I mention that it's 4 am?) and go see if his car is outside. Nope, it's gone. So I call him. When he picks up I ask him where he is. He says he's at Rocky's house up the street but he acts all cool about it, like nothing is out of the ordinary (and of course I hear girls giggling in the background). I just hang up. I go back in the bedroom, completely fired up and turn on the TV. 20 minutes later, I hear keys in the door, and our dog Buster starts barking. Now, even when Kirk lets me know that he is going to be out late, Buster STILL wakes me up in the wee hours of the morning when he comes home, which in itself is quite irritating. But, I’m scared to be alone at night so Buster sleeps with me, regardless. Kirk comes into the bedroom and acts like nothing is wrong. He begins to act “cute”, trying to hug me and kiss me because he can tell that I'm obviously pissed. I don't say anything, just stare at the TV. He starts whining. I say "Kirk, I'm mad. You need to sleep on the couch, we will talk about this tomorrow," You would have thought I slapped him across the face. He gets all upset and defensive and says "What did I do this time?" I tell him I had a nightmare, I was scared, and he was gone. Not only was I scared because of the dream, but I was scared because I couldn’t find him in the house. I told him he could have left me a note. He said he didn't want to wake me up (um, how would leaving me a note wake me up?) Obviously I’m speaking to a drunk person so I told him he needs to leave me alone so I can get back to sleep (I did mention it was 4:30 am, right?). He was completely wasted, this was proved by the fact that when he left, he went into the bathroom and proceeded to flail around and fall into the wall several times, I know this because of the loud THUDS against the wall. On top of everything he drove home drunk, again. I am at the end of my fastly fraying rope with this guy.

Another side note: I don’t think I mentioned that he “warned” me not to get jealous in Mexico because he would be talking to lots of “people”, and I’m like, what the hell are you going to do that would make me jealous? Have you seen my boobs? I'm the one that he should be worried about, not the other way around, don't get it twisted. Anyways, that’s a convoluted side issue that had me riled up last week, but I’ve come to the conclusion that if he’s going to treat me with disrespect on our vacation, he can suck it, plain and simple.

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