Liar, Liar, Pants On Fire

Last night, Kirk and I were just sitting on the couch watching TV, nothing too terribly exciting. Kirks phone rings and it's his friend Jorge. You see, Jorge is getting married on Saturday, and apparently one bachelor party isn’t enough for him, he needs to go out and get wasted for his “last night of freedom” (part two). Anyways, what my stupid boyfriend doesn’t realize is that I can hear every word Jorge is saying to him on the phone (I did mention that he's stupid, right?)

Here’s how the conversation went:

Kirk: “So where do you wanna go?”
Jorge: “Let’s go to Centerfolds!” (which is a titty bar)
Kirk: “Oh, Blue Bayou, yea I know that place. “
Jorge: “Is Emily with you or something?”
Kirk: “Yea man sounds good, let’s meet up in an hour, I still gotta take a shower.”
Jorge: “Haha! You crazy son of a bitch, I’ll call you in a little while.”

Kirk realizes I’m glaring at him.

Kirk: “What baby?”
Me: “I just heard every word of what you and Jorge said.”
Kirk: “Huh?” *he realizes now that he’s been busted
Me: “I heard every word Jorge said! He said he wants to go to Centerfolds, and you tried to cover it up because I’m sitting here!”
Kirk: “I was just trying to avoid you being mad at me”.
Me: “Well guess what, I’m mad at you for lying, not going to a strip club. I could care less if you go to a strip club, as long as you’re safe, faithful, and don’t drive home drunk.”
Kirk: “Whatever, you would be pissed if I went to Centerfolds.”
Me: “No, I’m pissed because you lied. You can try to put it on me as much as you want, but the bottom line is you just tried to pull the wool over my eyes so you could sneak around to the titty bars with Jorge.
Kirk: “I’m sorry baby, I just didn’t want to make you upset. I don't like it when you're mad at me.”
Me: “Awww, well, too late. Now all I hear is ‘bullshit, bullshit, bullshit’. Why don’t you go ahead and leave, I’m sick of looking at your lying face.”

Kirk got his shower and then he went out. He said before he left that they were just going to some bar up on North side. I said I could care less what he does, it’s of no concern to me anymore. I think that hit a nerve because he called me at 1am, and texted me twice with “I love you” and “I miss my baby”. I didn’t respond. When he crawled in bed in the wee hours of the morning and tried to snuggle, I pushed him off (which is rare). I thought I might be overreacting, but then in discussing this with my friends they said I let him off too lightly. If I don't get my point across he will think he can get away with this kind of shit. So, I'm a little unsure how to handle this now. I wish I could kick it old school and hit him over the head with a frying pan to get my point accross.

I’m really not a crazy bitch, I just expect to be treated with respect and not someone he can dick around at his convenience. It hurts my feelings that he lied to me about something so insignificant. What is he lying about when I don’t catch him? Why did I fall in love with such an infantile jackass? He's making it harder and harder to see the good things about our relationship...really hard.

*insert sad face here*

1 comment:

  1. When did this shit go down??? You need to call me and talk to me about this. I hate it when Kirk pulls this shit. Also, I am now aware that I should not come to your house unannounced or you may pull a gun on me!

    Love you Bakerface - can't wait for our Wednesday night dinner!
